/Easy Money: 5 Ways to Monetize Your Home and Property
Easy Money 5 Ways to Monetize Your Home and Property

Easy Money: 5 Ways to Monetize Your Home and Property

The sharing economy has introduced the possibility that anything you own can be shared and monetized, including your home. Hospitality apps like Airbnb, coachsurfing.com, and other home-sharing apps are commonplace. But, for those who are not quite ready to open up their home to strangers, there are ways to monetize your space without sacrificing your privacy or compromising your investments.

Corporate Holding

Corporate holding can help monetize your property by creating a real estate investment entity that owns and manages various properties. This structure allows for efficient management, increased diversification, and potential tax benefits. Through rental income, property appreciation, and strategic investments, the corporation can generate profits and enhance overall property value.


Implementing a drive-thru service on your property, such as a drive-thru restaurant or coffee shop, can monetize the space by attracting a higher volume of customers and increasing convenience. With drive-thru services’ popularity, it can lead to increased sales and higher property value, making it an attractive investment opportunity.

Light Thieves

By installing solar panels on your property, you can become a “light thief” and monetize your property by generating renewable energy. Selling excess energy back to the grid can provide a passive income stream. Additionally, you can promote your property as environmentally friendly, attracting eco-conscious buyers or tenants.

City Farming

City farming, also known as urban farming, allows you to monetize your property by transforming it into a productive agricultural space. By growing and selling fresh produce or herbs locally, you can generate income. Additionally, urban farming can enhance property value and attract eco-conscious buyers or tenants seeking sustainable living options.

Simplicity Lifestyle

Embracing a simplicity lifestyle can help monetize your property by reducing expenses and creating opportunities for minimalistic living. By downsizing and decluttering, you can save money on maintenance and utility costs. Moreover, you may consider renting out extra space or offering minimalist-themed accommodations to attract like-minded individuals seeking a simpler lifestyle.